15 Things I Hate About Backpacking

Nomadic Matt with his backpack

I’ve been backpacking for over ten years now. That’s a long time to travel period, let alone stay in dorm rooms, live out of the same backpack, and travel on the cheap.

But I really love this form of travel, which is why I’ve continued to do it for so many years.

I love hostels, meeting people, light travel, the wild adventures, the youthful vibe, and not having guides and tours hold my hand the whole way.

Plus, I honestly don’t see any need to spend lots of money on resorts and fancy rooms. Why spend money on a hotel when I can spend that money on food and drinks instead? (Plus, if you learn to use points and miles for free travel, you can just earn points to stay at hotels for free!)

But, even though I enjoy my travel style, it doesn’t mean that I always love it. In fact, sometimes I really, really, really hate backpacking. Here’s why:

1. Dorm Rooms

A hostel dorm room full of creaky blue metal bunk beds
Hostel dorm rooms are cheap and a great way to meet people, because you are shoved into the same room with them. You don’t have a choice but to get to know each other. (Well, you don’t have to talk, but then it gets a bit awkward.)

But sometimes you don’t want to meet new people, get the top bunk, or have to deal with three snorers in a six-bed dorm. That’s when you really begin to hate hostels. I still use dorm rooms because they keep costs down, but I really dislike how often they get in the way of a good night’s sleep.

2. The Same Conversation

A pair of solo travelers engaged in a conversation together
Whenever you arrive somewhere new, travelers ask the same five questions: Where are you from? Where are you going? Where have you been? How long are you traveling for? How long are you here?

After ten years — heck, after ten days — it’s pretty boring having the same conversation over and over again. They are the default, basic questions everyone (including me) asks. It becomes second nature.

However, these days I mix it up to keep things interesting. When I get asked one of the five questions, I reply by asking their name and then something like what’s their favorite color or favorite book or least favorite place they have ever seen. It is far more interesting than “what do you do back home?”

I get that these questions shed a lot of light on someone while they travel, but every long-term traveler gets sick of them after a while. Next time you’re in a dorm, try to ask different questions to the people you meet. You might just learn something interesting!

3. The 5-Minute Friend

Two travelers chatting by the water together
You meet great people — and then tomorrow they are gone. Maybe you will see each other again, maybe not. That’s one of the biggest downsides of travel.

It’s great meeting so many amazing people on the road, but I hate how everyone is always leaving, especially just as you get to know someone. It’s a snowball of sadness. I’ve met countless amazing people on the road, and sure, in that moment and in that time, we had a blast. Maybe that was all that was meant to be. But it’s nice to have some consistency and have a friend for more than five minutes.

4. The Excessive Partying

A bunch of people partying in a club with a DJ
In the backpacking world, it’s always someone’s first or last night and therefore a reason to go out — which means there’s a lot of drinking going on. (A LOT!) I’ve done my fair share of partying, and I’ll admit that it’s great when you are just starting out. You are excited about the road, everything is new, and it’s a good way to meet people. And there are tons of great party destinations around the world!

But after a few months, it gets boring and repetitive. You get weary of just drinking all the time, as though that is the only activity in the world. Can’t we just go do something else? Does alcohol always have to be involved? Let’s go play minigolf, see a movie, go bowling, or catch a concert. There are more to countries than their bars. Plus, all that drinking can really eat into your travel budget!

5. The Cheapness

A budget traveler sitting in a hammock on their phone
I understand that long-term travelers have a fixed budget. When I first went overseas, I only had a limited amount of money and it had to last a long, long time. That being said, did you really come all the way to Spain to not have the paella? You flew to Japan and never once had sushi or anything more than cheap ramen noodles? Skipped skiing in the Alps because of the price of a lift ticket?

Come on! You only live once. Do something more than a free guided tour, cook your own meals, and drink beer all day. It’s great to be frugal, but there is a fine line between being frugal and being cheap.

6. Know-It-All Backpackers

Two male travelers sitting by the water talking to each other
There is always someone who has traveled more than you. Even after a decade of backpacking the world, I know people who have 12, 15, 20 years with nothing but a travel backpack on their shoulder.

However, what I hate is when people interject into other people’s conversations or plans and start to give their opinion about where they should or shouldn’t go. Or they will begin to tell you the history of a place (and most likely get it wrong) to try to “educate” you on how things really are.

Don’t be a know-it-all. Travel isn’t a competition. We’re all out here living our life and enjoying it as much as possible. No one likes a show-off.

7. The “Who’s a Better Traveler?” Game

A traveler skydiving from an airplane solo
Too many travelers like to talk themselves up by discussing how long they have traveled for or how many countries they have been to, as though traveling is a a race or a competition. “You’ve been to 20 countries?” “Ohh, well I’ve been to 37!”

Or you might hear, “You didn’t really experience country X because you skipped activity Y.”

Comments like that make new travelers feel bad about their own experiences. Don’t be that person. It doesn’t matter what activities you have done or if you have been to 4, 19, or 150 countries — everyone’s journey is their own and all are equal.

8. The Herd Mentality

A double-decker tourist bus in Toronto, Canada
I wanted to be a backpacker because they embodied a spirit of adventure and discovery. They were out to see the world, discover its hidden secrets, and meet new locals.

Turns out, that’s often not the case.

More often than not, backpackers today follow the same well-laid travel route that thousands have tread before them. They simply follow the pack. Yes, popular places are popular for a reason, and I would never, for example, suggest skipping Thailand, Paris, or Costa Rica just because there are other tourists there.

But come on, try to be a bit more curious! On your next trip, wander off somewhere random. Get away from the crowd, even just once. You won’t regret it!

9. Always Being “On”

A group of travelers having fun and drinking beer
Sometimes I just don’t want to talk to everyone. Sometimes, I just want to read my book and stay in, catching up on Game of Thrones or whatever new show I’m in the mood to binge.

But then that makes me the antisocial guy in the hostel and people look at me differently. I hate how you ALWAYS have to seem to be friendly and upbeat. People are social creatures, but it is also good to have some alone time to decompress and relax. Always being “on” is simply too mentally exhausting for me, especially when you are asked the same questions every day (see above!).

10. Goodbyes

A photo friends hugging each other
I have said more goodbyes in the last ten years than any human should ever have to. And despite the changes in technology and social media, you know the emails will slowly fade away despite the best of intentions. Life moves on and people go their separate ways.

Sure, you will have that great moment in time together, but the more you travel, the more you realize the hard truth that you might never see that person again. And the more you hate having to say goodbye.

11. The Quick Romantic Relationships

a couple in love posing for a photo while they kiss
You meet people, you leave people. It’s a sad cycle that means that just when you really start to like someone, you split up. It makes having a long-term committed relationship on the road really hard. You are together while you are on the road, but then people go left while you go right. And then, as quickly as it began, it is over.

It’s hard to always have to start and stop feelings. And often, since you never really “break up,” you never get any real closure. The road becomes a series of short relationships — and that can get tiring.

12. Backpack Flags

A travel backpack with a Canadian flag on it
You can say it is a way to remember where you have gone, but what it really does is let people know how awesome you are for having been to so many places. It’s all part of the “who’s the more experienced traveler” one-upsmanship that happens in hostels.

And it annoys me.

A lot.

You have photos, memories, and passport stamps to remember where you have been. I doubt your bag really cares. Let’s call a spade a spade: sewing flags from every country you have been to is just a way to show the world that you are well-traveled.

Now, I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade. I get that you want some souvenirs and that you’re proud of your travels. But this is one of those things that just irks me.

13. Dirty Kitchens

A stack of dirty dishes on a hostel sink
Despite all the signs that tell people to clean up their mess, they never do. Why? Because it’s not their kitchen and they are leaving soon. Someone else will do it, so it’s not their problem.

I really hate hostel kitchens for this reason, and it’s why I avoid the kitchen if it’s busy or messy. I didn’t travel around the world to clean up your mess. Do it yourself! What are you, nine years old? Your mother is not here to clean up after you, and it’s inconsiderate leaving a dirty kitchen for the next person. Follow hostel etiquette.

14. Missing the Gym

An empty gym with nobody working out
I like to work out. Traveling makes me unhealthy and out of shape and I don’t like it. It’s hard to keep a healthy lifestyle on the road, and I wish I had the chance to go to the gym and work out more often.

(Maybe hostels will start having gyms, like hotels!)

15. Sex in Dorm Rooms

An up-close shot of condoms on a table
In case there was any doubt, I do not want to hear you having sex. Ever.

Go get a private room. We don’t believe her moans of pleasure, and we don’t want to see your white ass. For the price of two dorm beds, you can get a private room in almost any hostel in the world. And if it does cost more, it isn’t that much. Get some privacy, have better sex, and let everyone else sleep. Please.


Of course, I don’t really hate backpacking. Most days, I love this style of travel and I love backpacking. It’s fun and social, and you get to meet amazing people.

But sometimes, the little things just grind your gears, which is most often when people are rude and inconsiderate. Backpacking is a great lifestyle, and like any lifestyle, it has its ups and downs. I’m just lucky it has more ups than downs!

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Book Your Flight
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Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

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