Travel Books

Books & EbooksDestination Guidebooks

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how to travel the world on $75 a day by Matthew Kepnes

How to Travel the World on $75 a Day

Want to travel more for less? Pick up a copy of my New York Times bestselling guide to budget travel and never overpay for travel again! With this book, you’ll get an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide to planning a trip on a budget. And, with super detailed sections to regions around the globe, you’ll get all the information you need to save money, find deals, and avoid the tourist traps!

This book takes all the knowledge from this website and puts it all into one place with even more details and resources! And it’s not just for long-term travelers either. You’ll learn to save money no matter how long your trip is (or where you go) because you’ll learn the tactics and strategies to always getting a deal and being a smart traveler.

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Ten Years a Nomad: A Traveler’s Journey Home

The book is a memoir of my ten years traveling and backpacking the world and the lessons I learned from that. It follows the arc of a trip around the globe: getting the bug, the planning, setting off, the highs, the lows, the friendships made, the relationships forged (and lost), the emotions you feel when it’s all over.

Unlike my previous books, this is not a “how to guide” but a collection of insights, advice, and stories from the road, conveying the experience of what it’s like to quit your job, follow the road not taken, and travel the world trying to discover who you are and what the world has to offer. In short, it is my opus on travel meant, to inspire you to pursue your own dreams.

10 Years a Nomad by Matthew Kepnes
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the ultimate guide to travel hacking

How Get Free Flights and Hotels Using Points and Miles

Take money out of the equation by learning how to master loyalty programs. These programs allow you to to earn free airfare and accommodation without spending lots of money.

I’ve been collecting points and miles for over a decade and it is the linchpin of all my money-saving advice. It helps me save tens of thousands of dollars on flights, accommodation, and transportation every year.

Points and miles are the solution to the money problem of travel — and I’m going to show you how to do what I do.

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My Budget Guidebooks