Walking Among the Dead at Père Lachaise Cemetery

Mausoleums lined up along a cobblestone pathway littered with orange leaves at Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, France

Death is not the end for the residents of Père Lachaise. Their tombs and graves are gawked at every day by hundreds of camera-touting tourists seeking the cemetery’s famous and not-so-famous inhabitants.

The cemetery was built in 1804 as Paris ran out of room for new graves within its limits. It was named after Louis XIV’s confessor, Père François de la Chaise (1624–1709), who lived in a house near the cemetery land.

At the time, the locals considered the cemetery too far from the city. Père Lachaise only had 13 graves its first year. However, administrators devised a plan and, with great fanfare, transferred the remains of Jean de La Fontaine (fabulist) and Molière (playwright), two of Paris’s most famous artists, to Père Lachaise, hoping that people would want to be buried near France’s famous heroes.

The strategy worked and people clamored to be interred with the cemetery’s famous new residents. Today, there are over a million people buried here and it’s still an active cemetery (to be buried here, you have to have lived or died in Paris). At 44 hectares (110 acres), it’s also Paris’s largest green space.

Though I’d been before, I woke up on a bright beautiful day and headed to the cemetery to show my friends the graves, mausoleums, and sepulchers of the dead. While a rainy day may have been more à propos, I welcomed the sun as we lacked an umbrella.

grand tombstones at a massive cemetery in Paris, France

Humans have always had a fascination with death; we’ve been writing, singing, and pondering about it for ages. We dedicate much of our lives to thinking about the eternal question: “What comes next?” So, it doesn’t surprise me that cemeteries become tourist attractions. (With over 3.5 million visitors each year, Père Lachaise is the most visited cemetery in the world.)

To me, walking among the dead is both uncomfortable and interesting.

I tend to feel uncomfortable because I think, “Here we are, gawking at the graves of the dead like they’re some museum exhibit to be ogled.” The dead become a sideshow as people exclaim, “Hey look, I have a picture of Jim Morrison’s grave! Yay!”

Maybe it’s because we want to get close to the famous people we could never get close to in life. I don’t know, but whatever the reason, as I snap a dozen photos of Édith Piaf’s grave, I know I’m guilty of it, too.

Weathered mourning statues at Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris, France

But more than being uncomfortable, I’m always interested in the people around me. Who were they? What lives did they lead? Were they happy? Sad? Were they loved, lost souls, artists, hypochondriacs? I like to imagine them going through the ups and downs of life we all face or being witnesses to a historical event we now dissect in history books.

What was it like for them? Will someone a hundred years hence ponder over my grave and go “I wonder who this guy was.” How quickly will it be before the world’s memory forgets me?

As you move through the cemetery, it’s easy to get lost among the giant crypts and trees. Covering 110 acres, the cemetery rises along a hill, with the older center a mishmash of winding streets and long-worn-out names and the newer tombs laid out in perfect city blocks. The moss-covered tombs and tree-lined cobblestone streets hide the sounds of the city. All that remains are your footsteps and the squawks from crows who remind you that on this day of life, death is all around.

James Morrison's tombstone at Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, France

Beautiful haunting pathway through French graveyard in Paris, France

Most visitors are drawn to the cemetery by the famous people buried here: 

  • Édith Piaf – French singer, songwriter, and actress.
  • Jim Morrison – The lead singer of The Doors.
  • Oscar Wilde – The famous Irish poet and writer (he wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest).
  • Honoré de Balzac – Playwright and author of The Human Comedy
  • Colette – French novelist and Nobel Prize in Literature nominee.
  • Michel Petrucciani – Accomplished jazz pianist despite having osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease).
  • Sadegh Hedayat – Author of The Blind Owl; translator and intellectual
  • Luigi Cherubini – Classical and pre-Romantic composer.
  • Samuel Hahnemann – Founder of homeopathy (and also a Freemason!).
  • Pierre Bourdieu – Famous anthropologist, sociologist, and philosopher.
  • Molière – Author and playwright; often considered one of the greatest French authors.
  • Frédéric Chopin – Renowned pianist and composer.
  • Max Ernst – German artist and poet.

Visitors will usually make a break for these graves while leaving the rest of the dead (and living) undisturbed.

Sad statue of a woman mourning at Pere Lachaise graveyard in Paris, France

I wandered through the graves, struck by the silence and the enormity of the tombs. Many of the mausoleums seem fit for kings and are spectacularly decorated with statues, art, and sculptures depicting angels and scenes of mourning. These people wanted to be remembered. As I wandered around, I found a contrast to the tombs of the celebrities, who seemed to want the opposite. Celebrity graves were often the simplest as if they no longer wanted in death the spotlight they had in life.

I spent hours visiting the cemetery, often sitting in silence, reflecting on those buried around me. Visiting the graves of so many people that I admire made me feel oddly connected to them. I paid my respects and thanked them for the influence they’ve had on my life.

I only hope I’ll accomplish half of what they did in their lives.

How to get to Père Lachaise Cemetery

An old statue in a huge graveyard in Paris, France
Père Lachaise Cemetery has several entrances so you can choose the best metro line depending on where you’re coming from:

  • Metro lines 2 or 3: “Père-Lachaise” stop
  • Metro lines 3 and 3b: “Gambetta” stop (Located at the top of the hill, get off here if you prefer to walk downhill through the cemetery. You can then get the metro at either of the other two metro stops at the bottom of the hill.)
  • Metro line 2: “Philippe Auguste” stop (main cemetery entrance)

The cemetery is open weekdays 8am-5:30pm, Saturdays 8:30am-5:30pm, and Sundays 9am-5:30pm.

If you want a more in-depth experience, join extremely knowledgeable local guide Thierry Le Roi on what he calls a necro-romantic safari. Certified by the Paris Visitor’s Bureau, on this tour you’ll learn about the most famous residents and enjoy stories and legends about the cemetery. I highly recommend taking it!


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